
Worst Foods For Oral Health

Posted by Stephen Davis Mar 27,2023

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Eating healthy is good for both your oral and overall health. Listed below are some of the worst foods for oral health.

Sugary Foods

It's also important to limit the sugary or acidic foods in your diet because they contribute to tooth decay and erosion. Some foods like dried fruits and fruit juices do contain some natural sugar and are good for your health when consumed in moderation, but it's best to keep these foods to meal times only and avoid snacking on them throughout the day. Hard candies and lollipops are some of the worst foods for your oral health because of their high sugar content. The stickiness of the candies also causes them to get stuck in between the teeth and in the crevices in your teeth, increasing your risk for cavities.

Candies like gummy bears, caramels, toffees, fudge and chocolates are also bad for your oral health because, in addition to their high sugar content, the sticky texture of these foods also makes them stick to your teeth for long periods of time. This can lead to increased bacteria buildup on your teeth, which can cause plaque and lead to cavities.

Hard Candy

Hard candies are one of the worst things for your oral health. They're sticky and get tangled up between your teeth. They also tend to stay in your mouth for a long time, causing tooth decay. Make sure that you brush your teeth after you eat any type of candy if you care about the health of your mouth.

Otherwise, you can certainly enjoy some types of hard candy in moderation. Just make sure that you don't eat a lot in one sitting. You should also avoid chewing on hard candies as that can easily lead to cracked or broken teeth. Besides being bad for your oral health, these candies are also bad for your waistline. The sugar and concentrated carbohydrates in them can lead to weight gain.

Soft Drinks

Most soft drinks contain high amounts of sugar, acidity, and low pH levels. The sugar content of these beverages can cause tooth decay, while the acids erode the enamel on the teeth. In addition, low pH levels cause tooth erosion and the breakdown of minerals that help keep the teeth strong and healthy. The high acid content of most soft drinks can also diminish the body's ability to produce essential vitamins and minerals like calcium and magnesium, which are essential for healthy bones and teeth. Regular use of these drinks can also cause dry mouth, resulting in bad breath or halitosis. Not only does drinking these beverages have a high impact on your oral health, but they can also increase your risk of obesity and diabetes as well.

Coffee and Tea

Although caffeine is proven to increase alertness and energy, overconsumption can cause teeth to feel extra sensitive and even cause tooth erosion when sipped on over a long period of time. There are health benefits associated with coffee consumption, but consider drinking it in moderation, especially if you already suffer from sensitive teeth or receding gums.


Alcoholic beverages like red wine and beer are high in acid and sugar. This can lead to enamel erosion and tooth decay. If you must enjoy the occasional alcoholic beverage, you can always rinse your mouth with water after consuming it. This will help prevent cavities and keep your teeth healthy and clean!

If you are considering any dental procedure or treatment for your smile, talk to our team. Contact us today by calling (719) 434-6630 to schedule an appointment with us at 320 E Fontanero St #302, Colorado Springs, CO 80907.

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