Over 40 million Americans experience some degree of dental fear or anxiety that prevents them from getting the quality care they need. This fear can be from a variety of reasons, such as bad dentist experiences in the past, a sensitive gag reflex, or a dislike of the sounds and smells of dental tools and procedures. However, putting your dental care off is never a good thing as problems will likely get worse the longer they are ignored. At Tava Dentistry, we offer advanced sedation dentistry, also known as sleep dentistry, to allow you to receive the dental care you need with minimal anxiety. We can perform limited conscious sedation (you are awake during the treatments) and moderate conscious sedation (you are asleep during the treatments).
A numbing agent used to block feelings of pain or discomfort from a treatment site. After this is applied, you may feel just a slight pressure during your procedure, but pain is virtually eliminated.
Taken as a pill before treatment, this form of limited conscious sedation will make you feel sleepy and relaxed during your procedure. You may have a slight amnesia after the sedation wears off, making you likely to not remember much of the procedure.
Commonly known as “laughing gas,” this is a fast-acting limited conscious sedation option. During treatment you will wear a mask that allows you to inhale the gas. You will feel relaxed and calm, but be able to respond to commands without difficulty.
Our strongest form of sedation, IV sedation is performed by Dr. Stephen Davis and administered intravenously. This is moderate conscious sedation and you will likely be asleep for the entire procedure, not remembering any details of the treatment afterward.
MON8:00 am - 5:00 pm
TUE9:00 am - 5:00 pm
WED8:00 am - 5:00 pm
THU - SUNClosed