Bone Grafting

Bone grafting is a dental procedure that involves the transplantation of bone tissue from one area of the body to another. Bone grafting is used to replace missing or deficient bone, usually in the jaw. The tooth loss associated with gum disease, trauma, or disease can all cause bone in the jaw to deteriorate, which can lead to the loss of other teeth. Bone grafting can be considered a solution to this problem.


What Material is Used for Bone Grafting?

The dental surgeon may use several types of bone grafts, including autograft, allograft, xenograft, synthetic graft, and calcium phosphate. Autograft is bone harvested from the patient’s own body. Allograft is bone harvested from a donor, and xenograft is bone harvested from an animal. A synthetic graft is a man-made material. Calcium phosphate is a synthetic material.

Bone grafting is usually performed when there is not enough bone to support the dental implant. Bone grafting may also be performed when the bone is reabsorbed during periodontal disease.

Bone Grafting In Dentistry

Bone grafting may be performed for any number of reasons. One of the most significant reasons people receive bone grafts is to prepare their jaw for dental implants. Dental implants require enough bone to support them, and oftentimes, patients do not have enough bone in their jaw to be a candidate for dental implants. Bone grafting procedures can help patients build up their jaw, so they can receive dental implants. A bone graft is also performed for socket preservation and sinus lift. 

Bone grafting can also be used for:

  • Repairing bone defects
  • Rebuilding jawbone deformities
  • Improving stability after tooth extraction
The jaw’s soft tissues and bone must be healthy before undergoing a bone graft procedure.

How Is A Bone Graft Performed?

During a bone graft procedure, either a synthetic bone or a piece of bone taken from another area of the body, such as the hip or a donor, is used. The bone is grafted onto the jaw bone and is then covered with a protective barrier. The jawbone will then heal and regenerate the graft material into healthy bone.

Grafting bone onto the jaw can help regenerate bone that has been lost to trauma or decay. The bone graft is used to build up the jawbone so the patient can receive a dental implant.

To learn more about the services offered at Tava Dentistry, call Dentist in Colorado at (719) 434-6630 or visit our dental office located at 320 E Fontanero St #302, Colorado Springs, CO 80907.


320 E Fontanero St #302,
Colorado Springs, CO 80907

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